2013-2016 Social Media Squad – Coldwell Banker
Hello, I’m Heather Ostrom, a REALTOR with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Roseville, CA.
I originally wrote this post back in 2013. Wowza, does time fly fast. So updates to this post (2015): for three years consecutively, I have had the amazing privilege of being on the Coldwell Banker International Social Squad. And now in 2016, I have been asked again to participate in the social squad, but lets keep this as my happy 2015 post.
A lot has changed since even 2013, including our waist lines.
For New York, Hollywood, and now Chicago #GenBlue – I have had the opportunity to continue to be a brand ambassador in the social media waters and as a positive figure for our company, Coldwell Banker. It’s a great honor, and not something I take lightly, along with our clients and business.
Last year I even had the privilege of going on stage with Jane Lynch, to say I had an amazing time, would be an understatement. We work hard, but we also like to be fun to work with (particularly since this tends to be one of the more stressful points in your life, buying and selling a home). We take pride in our experience and personal touch to do all we can, both in education, and making the experience more enjoyable.
So what why do we attend the Gen Blue experience, year-after-year? See below – all that changes is, that it only gets better each year. Evolving with tried and true ways of working, mixed with the new expectations of consumers, and ways to work smarter and not harder.
Managers and Agents – sign up today: www.GenBlue.ColdwellBanker.com
Original Post from 2013 below
How Has Attending the #GenBlue Conference Improved Us?
Attending these Coldwell Banker #GenBlue conferences has changed Steve and I in so many positive ways in relationships, work habits and tools, and personal improvement. I have met so many talented individuals across the country who have forever changed me – sharing tips and also putting me in touch with solutions that I may not have found on my own.

Talk / writing is cheap, without proof, right? You’re probably saying, “Hey Heather, give me direct evidence for improved behaviors and some feedback on the conference.” Fair enough (bare with me as I talk about myself in third person). 😉
First and foremost, videos. I learned what techniques to improve our videos. “Slow pans” … dynamic backgrounds, changing your setting for videos, while realizing the importance of “audio.” I learned from other agents their own person tricks in video editing. Online tools – Stephanie Hahn was an amazing past speaker at Gen Blue. She fueled me to explore Google Tools more and how insanely amazing all the options are …. I now use the G-Cal and attachments like an online ninja and my clients love it. Matthew Ferrara, Philosopher – A CB speaker staple and never ceases to be awesome. I learned about online and offline behaviors and how he conducts his business (he’s fantastic). Not to mention, Matthew was part of one of the most epic moments of conference history witnessed – Ferrara vs. Mike Ferry in 2011. Steve O and I STILL talk about this event. I also learned and got to know Debra Trappen and Linda Aaron better and learned all of their SwissArmyKnife tricks for better interaction online and improved visuals online. Such happy energy and the crowd dialogue was intoxicating with the Q&A that was initiated. - The main stage speakers – inspiration for the soul and mind. Always a “wow” factor every year of someone from outside of real estate and also some of the best in our business.
- Finally, and definitely not least – the final party is ALWAYS amazing. Sure, it may sound immature to rank a party amongst the reasons, but I definitely made new friends from dancing and going around introducing myself to new agents. I also have earned quite a few referrals because people remembered me. How awesome is that?
- Direct from the Source: I learned how to better use the amazing tool of CB Exchange (formerly CBWorks) – the undiscovered gem of educational videos, logos, and templates. Also some of the nerdiest of nerds (written with the highest affection), that told us how to leverage the free info to do our market updates.
Online and Offline Agent Improvements
Whether you’re a broker, manager, marketing bossy pants, or an agent in the field … the Conference is not just about online items – it’s about the entire package of being a real estate agent in the current age.
Year-after-year, Coldwell Banker continues to set-up a FRESH and NEW schedule for their agents and brokers, BUT also in the education straight from the agent’s mouth. I gain so much from the Q and A’s that happen from the audience, as well as the agent panels, and speakers. Interactions are always dynamic and passionate.
Steve O and I have always thought of Coldwell Banker to be the best. I’m proud to be #GenBlue. So if You’re Coming to the Conference, I’m very tall (6ft) and I love orange – please come up and say “hi” and I look forward to meeting and sharing with you! I’m proud to be #GenBlue
Come Say “Hi” to the GenBlue Social Squad!
Follow me on Twitter at @RosevilleRockLn (and say “hi” @ me!)
Learn More About Gen Blue Coldwell Banker: Local and National Conferences
Follow the Conference Dialogue – #GenBlue Hashtag
Property Questions or Showings? 916-308-2446 – Homes@RosevilleAndRocklin.com – REALTORs Steve + Heather Ostrom
See more informative posts at: www.RosevilleAndRocklin.com – Roseville and Rocklin Real Estate + Lifestyle
Author: Heather Ostrom, Real Estate Marketing – REALTOR
Steve Ostrom, Primary Listing Agent + REALTOR – 916-308-2446 – Homes@RosevilleAndRocklin.com – Coldwell Banker – Roseville, CA – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661
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