About Us
REALTOR Steve Ostrom handles the pricing, negotiations, and is most familiar with real estate market trends.
REALTOR Heather Ostrom oversees the marketing (online and offline).
Both Steve and Heather have been featured in numerous REALTOR.com videos (for sellers and buyers), and have spoken across the country for Coldwell Banker, Inman News, Realtor.com on marketing, and have been featured in several C.A.R. articles (California Association of REALTORs)
Want to see our Facebook advertising style? Some people state they know how to do social media, but we're pros. You may need to be logged into FB already for this link to work.
Our YouTube channel rocks our Ostrom Orange socks. If you play around you'll note there's specific playlists for different topics. We are always adding new videos. If you can't find the answer you're looking for - let us know.
Google Biz Page
See our Google Reviews and Posts.
Our story

Steve Ostrom first entered real estate after experiencing and witnessing how poorly one of his family members (a widow) was treated by an agent … She was bullied and there was no personalized-touch in the process of a sensitive situation. Steve knew the process could be better and he took action to gain his license.
He has been a licensed agent and REALTOR since 2002 and has since been a member at the Placer County Association of REALTORs and Sacramento Association of REALTORs.
He has served on numerous committees and also served on the Board of Directors for the California Association of REALTORs (C.A.R.)
He is often in the top percentage of Coldwell Banker agents and respected in our area. He has always been with Coldwell Banker brand as a REALTOR and has been in the real estate business for over TWENTY years (starting in July 2022)
Steve is known for being honest, ethical, and a hard-working agent. Agents and clients like working with him, because he’s a straight-shooter. He is an amazing strategist and negotiator. Do not mistake his easy-going and happy attitude for being a push-over, because this two-time All-American likes to win, but he’s also a professional. The best of both worlds.
Random Clavin Factoids about Steve Ostrom: Do NOT ask to play Risk or Stratego (or any strategy game, including cards) – he will win. Steve is so much fun to play golf with … so ask him to play! How many spouses would EVER write they love playing golf with their significant other? He has the calmest, most positive, and easy going energy on the course. He rarely takes down time that doesn’t involve his kiddos (he’s still working on work/life balance). He was a two-time All-American in Water Polo and is still darn fast in the water.
Steve loves his three kids and is the best Dad and husband ever … when you meet him, you’ll know and understand these aren’t cheesy comments – but the truth. We don’t hide our family from our clients.
Steve graduated from USC, but was NOT apart of the rowing team scandal *not confirmed*. Be sure to ask Steve O about his Joe Theismann story.

After graduation, Heather Ostrom worked in Downtown Sacramento for many years as a successful graphic designer and oversaw full branding campaigns – including logo development, handled high-stress political campaigns, and was always committed to high-quality even if it meant long nights. Soon after baby one, she went off on her own to start her own graphic design company.
Once the second Ostrom hatchling entered the picture, they had to re-evaluate how two separate businesses could be successful with kids. She noted Steve’s success in real estate, but saw room for improvement on listings and also noted that many real estate agent were succesfully making a presence on social media in a way that was effective. One can be a great negotiator and sales person, but doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a great marketer or designer. Enter: Heather Ostrom.
Heather then became a REALTOR and oversaw all of their email communications, coordination of milestones within the transaction, and work primarily with sellers in preparing their home for sale (and approach it as a marketing and packaging branding opportunity to maximize buyer interest, and hopefully increase their bottom line by increasing desire).
Their business took off when they began to collaborate. Steve O is still the primary agent, but not many can boast this type of set-up where your graphic designer can make changes quickly, because you know where she lives.
Being a husband and wife duo, this also meant communication would be more fluid, but the key to their success is ensuring they “stay in their lane” (meaning, stick to what you’re good at – marketing or negotiations)
Random Clavin Factoids about Heather Ostrom. She grew up with dreams of being an artist. She loves comedy and does NOT like violent, nor scary movies. Heather loves dancing and singing (horribly) with her kids. Her first favorite funny person was her Dad and his name was Jerry Brown (I miss you dad, and yes many idiots called our house looking for “the Governor”). When Heather introduced her mother to Steve O for the first time, her mother stated when she met Steve Ostrom for the first time was, “OMG, you brought your father home!” After some mind-bleach and therapy, we were able to move forward with our relationship.
She has met many famous people including Faith Hill and has been yelled at by Mick Jagger. If you want to hear great stories, ask about our Blackjack dealing days.
Cycle for survival
Team #Brostrong - supporting rare cancer research
Each year our Ostrom family participates in the Sloan Kettering event, “Cycle for Survival.” A portion of each of our personal closings goes towards this yearly fundraiser. Thank you to all who have supported us financially and emotionally over the years. 100% of all donations goes towards battling rare cancers (research, clinical trials, and much more). Learn more about Cycle for Survival here and supporting rare cancer research.

REALTORs Steve Ostrom + Heather Ostrom – 916-308-2446 – Homes@RosevilleAndRocklin.com – Coldwell Banker 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661 – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313