
Blog posts and videos from Steve and Heather Ostrom: loans, process of sale, who pays for what, contingent sales, dual agency, appraiser feedback, loan officer thoughts, inspector comments, bank owned properties, short sales, and more!

2013-2016 Social Media Squad – Coldwell Banker


Hello, I’m Heather Ostrom, a REALTOR with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Roseville, CA.

I originally wrote this post back in 2013. Wowza, does time fly fast. So updates to this post (2015): for three years consecutively, I have had the amazing privilege of being on the Coldwell Banker International Social Squad. And now in 2016, I have been asked again to participate in the social squad, but lets keep this as my happy 2015 post.

A lot has changed since even 2013, including our waist lines.

For New York, Hollywood, and now Chicago #GenBlue – I have had the opportunity to continue to be a brand ambassador in the social media waters and as a positive figure for our company, Coldwell Banker. It’s a great honor, and not something I take lightly, along with our clients and business.

Social Squad Coldwell Banker 2015

Last year I even had the privilege of going on stage with Jane Lynch, to say I had an amazing time, would be an understatement. We work hard, but we also like to be fun to work with (particularly since this tends to be one of the more stressful points in your life, buying and selling a home). We take pride in our experience and personal touch to do all we can, both in education, and making the experience more enjoyable.

Gen Blue Jane Lynch Heather O Hollywood 2015

So what why do we attend the Gen Blue experience, year-after-year? See below – all that changes is, that it only gets better each year. Evolving with tried and true ways of working, mixed with the new expectations of consumers, and ways to work smarter and not harder.

Managers and Agents – sign up today:


Original Post from 2013 below


How Has Attending the #GenBlue Conference Improved Us?

#GenBlue is the Coldwell Banker Annual International Conference. For the past three years, Steve and I both have attended the conferences. Gen Blue offers classes for self-improvement and inspiration to improve anyone who is part of the Coldwell Banker brand – both for elevating our online and offline skills.

Attending these Coldwell Banker #GenBlue conferences has changed Steve and I in so many positive ways in relationships, work habits and tools, and personal improvement. I have met so many talented individuals across the country who have forever changed me – sharing tips and also putting me in touch with solutions that I may not have found on my own.

Networking, Classes, Amazing Speakers, Inspirational Classes, and One-On-One Opportunities

Talk / writing is cheap, without proof, right? You’re probably saying, “Hey Heather, give me direct evidence for improved behaviors and some feedback on the conference.”
Fair enough (bare with me as I talk about myself in third person). 😉

  • First and foremost, videos. I learned what techniques to improve our videos. “Slow pans” … dynamic backgrounds, changing your setting for videos, while realizing the importance of “audio.” I learned from other agents their own person tricks in video editing.
  • Online toolsStephanie Hahn was an amazing past speaker at Gen Blue. She fueled me to explore Google Tools more and how insanely amazing all the options are …. I now use the G-Cal and attachments like an online ninja and my clients love it.
  • Matthew Ferrara, Philosopher – A CB speaker staple and never ceases to be awesome. I learned about online and offline behaviors and how he conducts his business (he’s fantastic). Not to mention, Matthew was part of one of the most epic moments of conference history witnessed – Ferrara vs. Mike Ferry in 2011. Steve O and I STILL talk about this event.
  • I also learned and got to know Debra Trappen and Linda Aaron better and learned all of their SwissArmyKnife tricks for better interaction online and improved visuals online. Such happy energy and the crowd dialogue was intoxicating with the Q&A that was initiated.
  • The main stage speakers – inspiration for the soul and mind. Always a “wow” factor every year of someone from outside of real estate and also some of the best in our business.
  • Finally, and definitely not least – the final party is ALWAYS amazing. Sure, it may sound immature to rank a party amongst the reasons, but I definitely made new friends from dancing and going around introducing myself to new agents. I also have earned quite a few referrals because people remembered me. How awesome is that?
  • Direct from the Source: I learned how to better use the amazing tool of CB Exchange (formerly CBWorks) – the undiscovered gem of educational videos, logos, and templates. Also some of the nerdiest of nerds (written with the highest affection), that told us how to leverage the free info to do our market updates.

Online and Offline Agent Improvements

Whether you’re a broker, manager, marketing bossy pants, or an agent in the field … the Conference is not just about online items – it’s about the entire package of being a real estate agent in the current age.

Year-after-year, Coldwell Banker continues to set-up a FRESH and NEW schedule for their agents and brokers, BUT also in the education straight from the agent’s mouth. I gain so much from the Q and A’s that happen from the audience, as well as the agent panels, and speakers. Interactions are always dynamic and passionate.

Steve O and I have always thought of Coldwell Banker to be the best. I’m proud to be #GenBlue. So if You’re Coming to the Conference, I’m very tall (6ft) and I love orange – please come up and say “hi” and I look forward to meeting and sharing with you! I’m proud to be #GenBlue

Come Say “Hi” to the GenBlue Social Squad!

2013 Gen Blue GenBlue Social Squad - Coldwell Banker NYC

Follow me on Twitter at @RosevilleRockLn (and say “hi” @ me!)


Coldwell Banker 3D Logo

Learn More About Gen Blue Coldwell Banker: Local and National Conferences

Follow the Conference Dialogue – #GenBlue Hashtag

Property Questions or Showings? 916-308-2446 – – REALTORs Steve + Heather Ostrom


Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

See more informative posts at: – Roseville and Rocklin Real Estate + Lifestyle

Author: Heather Ostrom, Real Estate Marketing – REALTOR

Steve Ostrom, Primary Listing Agent + REALTOR – 916-308-2446 – – Coldwell Banker  – Roseville, CA – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661

Learn more about listing your home with us!

steve ostrom realtor roseville rocklin granite bay real estate listings for sale fsbo bank owned reo repossessed goldfish

equal housing

Equal Housing Opportunity

How to View your Tax Bill in Placer County

How do I View a Past Tax Bill in Placer County

Thinking of moving to Placer County, California? 

Or may you’re just relocating within Placer County … We’re often asked about taxes for a property they’re interested in buying and the breakdown of those taxes.

We can help you find the info and answers to your questions! And when in doubt, ALWAYS contact the Placer County Tax Collectors Office 530-889-4120 or the Placer County Assessor’s Office at 530-889-4300. Buyer to verify all information found on this website with the county. A real estate agent cannot relay this information for risk of information changing (and beyond their control), but we know you need and want this info (as would we).

**For Placer County ONLY**

How to VIEW a Property’s Tax Bill, without the APN Number

NOTE: If you already have the APN (assessor parcel number), you can skip to “part 2” below.

  • PART 1: 1. Know the Property Address,  2. Figure out the APN (Assessor Parcel Number)
  • PART 2: Plug in the APN to retrieve the Tax Bill information

PART #1 – Get the APN Number by Inputting the Property Address

The APN is four sets of three numbers (example: 000-123-123-123) . If you have a MLS sheet print out from your agent, you can find it at the top of the page. If you DO NOT have the APN … here’s how to retrieve an APN for a property you’re interested in …

Go to the Placer County “APN Map Search Site”: CLICK HERE for the Map Search for APN for Placer County (this site might take a minute to load):

At the TOP RIGHT, plug in the 1. property address and hit “search” … and then grab via “copy and paste” the 2. APN from the search results


PART #2 – Plug APN on the Placer County Tax Collector Site

Click Here to visit the Placer County Site: Tax Bill Search and Plug in the APN
(you’ll be cue’d to agree to Placer County’s disclaimer terms)

Tax-Bill-1Tax Bill in Placer County APN

Voila, you’re done and you should have your Tax Bill PDF downloaded. If you’re still having problems, post a comment below or shoot me an email and we’ll help you out.

 More Info:

Property Questions or Showings? 916-308-2446 – – REALTORs Steve + Heather Ostrom


Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

See more informative posts at: – Roseville and Rocklin Real Estate + Lifestyle

Author: Heather Ostrom, Real Estate Marketing – REALTOR

Steve Ostrom, Primary Listing Agent + REALTOR – 916-308-2446 – – Coldwell Banker  – Roseville, CA – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661

Learn more about listing your home with us!

steve ostrom realtor roseville rocklin granite bay real estate listings for sale fsbo bank owned reo repossessed goldfish

equal housing

Equal Housing Opportunity

Agents: ZipForm MLS-Connect – Sacramento Metrolist

For California Agents: Help and Tech Tips – Specifically Targeting the Greater Sacramento Area

ZipForm MLS Connect - Sacramento
Now Page 10 of the RPA (residential purchase agreement)

Agents, do you ever receive contracts on your listings, with page 10 of the RPA not filled out completely, or even worse, with the wrong information? Well let’s not get stomping mad, let’s solve the problem! It’s so simple, you’ll pinch yourself for not knowing sooner. It’s awesome and there will be no more visual mud on the bottom of your agent shoe (Like that tie-in to my visual above? Nice!)

MLS Zip Form Connect 2013 California CAR
Does this Make Your REALTOR®s Eyes Twitch? Then Share this Post today and help others stop their RPA eye twitches.

If you’re a visual learner, watch the video below. Steve O does a virtual walk through in ZipForms, of how to get “connected” today. It’s SO simple. If you want to simply read up on MLS Connect, that’s fine too – visit this link below for more info and see which California MLS Groups and AOR (Local Associations) are “connected”

From the California Association of REALTORs ® website: “ZipForm MLS-Connect is a free C.A.R. member benefit. ZipFormMLS-Connect® integrates data straight from an MLS system into a zipForm® transaction. This eliminates the need for double data entry for many fields in a transaction.”

Steve Ostrom and Daniel Allen introduce the new zipFormMLS-Connect® that allows you to integrate data straight from MetroList into a zipForm® transaction. This eliminates the need for double-data entry for many fields in a transaction.” (from Sacramento Association of REALTORs® YouTube Channel)

If you have questions – post a comment below and we’ll be right back with you. Share this post and spread the word about ZipForm® MLS-Connect! There’s so many agents not using this free tool via the California Association of REALTORs® and we need to get the word out.

Property Questions or Showings? 916-308-2446 – – REALTORs Steve + Heather Ostrom


Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

See more informative posts at: – Roseville and Rocklin Real Estate + Lifestyle

Author: Heather Ostrom, Real Estate Marketing – REALTOR

Steve Ostrom, Primary Listing Agent + REALTOR – 916-308-2446 – – Coldwell Banker  – Roseville, CA – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661

Learn more about listing your home with us!

steve ostrom realtor roseville rocklin granite bay real estate listings for sale fsbo bank owned reo repossessed goldfish

equal housing

Equal Housing Opportunity

Email Etiquette + Creating a Winning Offer Package

Heaven is in the [email] details. 

Email Etiquette + Winning Offer Packages – Helpful tips for Real Estate Agents and Related Industries Wanting to Earn New Business.

Offer Packages, you know we love them. They’re GLADLY part of our daily workings as a real estate agent. Without them, we’re eating top ramen daily, or perhaps having to take a second job. In our case, this is our full-time job as real estate agents in Roseville, CA. Some items mentioned, may only apply to our state (California)

 I always try and think in terms of ease of where to improve my quality of life in my job and at home. I’m not perfect, but I love learning what others think is a great way to work smarter, not harder. So to help elevate the quality of our work world, I’m hoping this post can get either help you, or get you thinking in terms of how we can all help one another. Today I’m going to tackle the art of packaging an offer (in our humble opinion). 🙂

We all have our own individual business habits and personal wishes, particularly when it comes to delivering offer packages. Some wishes are merely for control, and others might be for personal preference. But what we have to differentiate with these “wishes” are, what’s a control and preference. AND what is truly interfering or creating more work for another agent. Why would we EVER want non-verbal cues, to color us, our offer AND clients – so poorly?

Did I just drain another agent’s battery with a large file being opened on the road? Did the agent have to go to the MLS to find my contact info? Did I just write from the bizhub again? DOH!

Frustration By music2work2 • Andrew Mccluskey
music2work2 Andrew Mccluskey

Get on board with better e-behavior. Sure items may seem small and insignificant to you, but when it happens often, it becomes a huge time suck for another when you could have eliminated that issue with just a few words and actions. So here’s my list of helpful “gems” and I probably forgot a few in assembling this list and I would love to hear your helpful-hints too …

Offer Packages – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

1. Label your email “subject line” appropriately, AND reference property name

Example: : “Offer – 1234 Main St, Roseville 95678 – Buyer Brown” So when the agent goes looking for my email, they find it easily and perhaps based on “search terms” whether by “offer” and “Property Name.” FYI, a misspelled property address, may mean a missed email for agents. Particularly for agents that receive a high-volume of emails and for those of us that look for emails based on property name. This may be your one client, but when interacting with agents with a team, or multiple clients and listings – be e-courteous. 🙂 Do not send emails with “no subject” line – it’s lazy and all I’m thinking is … “I’m going to become this agent’s babysitter for this transaction.”

Also define in the email “subject line” what it pertains to, example, “request for repairs,” “addendum #1,” etc. When scanning through emails, this helps from opening ten different emails all labeled the same. When the file is closed and you have to go back, you’ll appreciate this two second task.

Consider attachment labeling as well – so each download is known to be what it contains, whether offer, preapproval, etc, and readily references which associated property and buyer. It takes little to no effort and has a high-appreciation return.

subject line cropped
Sample Email “subject line” for Offers

2. File size of your email attachments

Biggest reason for being conscious of file size, may not be as obvious – if an agent wants to check the specs of an offer, and they’re on the road (mobile) – a small file size opens quickly on a phone (win). You don’t want to drain a battery for opening your large file-size offer (bad – we all lose). You don’t want to be this person. You know you have been there, opening that huge massive file waiting for it to download, and in the process it took your phone down to “battery funky town.”

battery o iphone death
One of the most frightening things in real estate – a dead phone battery

It’s not excusable that you’re using your home scanner that creates large files. There are solutions out there to help, heck even an e-fax does a great job with scans and keeps files compact in size. E-fax it to yourself, relabel – and voila – compact and clean file. I know Adobe Acrobat can downsize some files, but it doesn’t always work to reduce enough – particularly if they’re locked e-signed PDFs. And for the love of pizza, do NOT send separate JPEG attachments. One file, one PDF (sometimes with “protected or locked files” you can’t do this). And there’s not one solution, but hopefully we can create less work for one another.

3. Send ONE email with all offer pieces

It’s not impossible, but it’s challenging to receive items pieced back together over three or four emails and creates opportunity for error. Accidents happen, but do your best to send over one concise package offer. When you’re juggling 10+ offers (sometimes more), it’s a set-up for trouble to piece all items over multiple emails. Eliminate the risk.

Another great tool, I encourage agents to spell out the terms of the offer in written form, contained within the actual email. This text should spell out, amount of offer, terms, if applicable, preapproval and who with, and any other details that might help formulate a decision. So that the agent knows what’s going on, without even having to open the attachments. This behavior below, is a HUGE time saver and so appreciated.

This is how we present our offers (also accompanied by an email “story” and details about the buyers that might prove positive for acceptance)

4. Did you READ … the MLS instructions?

It’s a bummer when you take the time to give the answers, but nobody is reading them. It happens to us too, but double-check there aren’t attachments on the MLS. If you’re on the road all day on appointments like Steve often is, there’s that occasional need for a call. Or if the property came on while en route, sure that call is cool and really, calls are always cool with us. But be part of the solution of good communication and doing your research. And admittedly, we have a lot to always improve on ourselves.

mls sacramento steve ostrom

5. Do you have your Contact Information in your email (e-Signature)? Did you write from the email you Want to be Responded to?

We’re not wanting to be a detective solely just to call/text or write you as a buyer’s agent – or simply to confirm receipt of your offer. Make sure it’s easy to respond and call you. Write from the email you want responded to, and call from the phone you want to be called back on …  this includes NOT sending emails direct from a “printer or biz hub” (office scanner/printer) where one can’t quickly respond “received” or “ask additional questions via email.” 

Take the extra two minutes to forward to yourself, relabel subject lines and address, and have your e-signature with all of your contact information provided with your offer. We often receive emails from the Bizhub (office scanner / printer) with no contact information, I’m asked to confirm receipt by the buyer’s agent. This is an easy fix, and ways to avoid making it hard to hunt you down as a buyer’s agent.

Our e-signature for our iPhones

Our e-signature for our iPhones

Our email signature "e-sig" for our desktop computer
Our email signature “e-sig” for our desktop computer

6. Be Responsible with Your Client’s Account Information

Every time a file is opened on a desktop, guess where that check or account paperwork is housed … that’s right, on the agent’s computer. This will become a larger issue once banks and groups start thinking in terms of items that are housed on any agent’s computer. Some agents request account items upfront, and with items blacked out, that’s fantastic. Always see offer instructions and send just what’s requested or needed, and still protects your client.

7. Please don’t CC your Buyer on the Email to Us

Unwanted “reply all” situations are often dangerous and not always communication your client had intended come to us. Yep, it happens – so please avoid this … I have seen everyone do this … title, agents, and lenders … no group is guilt-free. It’s a dangerous behavior that can open up unwanted doors of unintentional communication, that was meant just for your eyes only. We should not risk these unwanted and unintentional “reply-alls” situations.

Do YOU have any Gems of Advice to Share? 

Comment below – you’re awesome gems to elevate our industry for everyone. **Keep it kind, as we’re hoping this is a tool of education to improve our workplace amongst agents**

The excitement of Steve O after opening a well-packaged offer

Property Questions or Showings? 916-308-2446 – – REALTORs Steve + Heather Ostrom


Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

See more informative posts at: – Roseville and Rocklin Real Estate + Lifestyle

Author: Heather Ostrom, Real Estate Marketing – REALTOR

Steve Ostrom, Primary Listing Agent + REALTOR – 916-308-2446 – – Coldwell Banker  – Roseville, CA – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661

Learn more about listing your home with us!

steve ostrom realtor roseville rocklin granite bay real estate listings for sale fsbo bank owned reo repossessed goldfish

equal housing

Equal Housing Opportunity

Remodel or Move Up?

George Jefferson
Flickr: Photo Property of Pete Prodoehl

Have you been debating if you’re going to move up to the “apartment in the sky George Jefferson” or are you going to make your home the place you always dreamed to live in?

Hard questions for many of us to answer. Do you go out and find the perfect home or do you create your “nest” to reflect your perfect world? Well, what I would suggest starting with making lists of the pros and cons of what’s the best route for your situation.

  • Do you love your current home and neighborhood?
  • Have you been looking for an opportunity to change school districts or move to another neighborhood? Maybe a cul-de-sac location is your dream situation, or perhaps more land to stretch on or maybe a lower-maintenance yard?
  • Will you be “over-building” for your neighborhood (with a remodel)?
  • Will you be selling in the near future due to needs of a downsize or more space? Important to ask if you’re trying to get return on your upgrade or remodel.
  • Draw up the costs of that pool you have been dreaming of, or that must-have upgrade you have always wanted (example kitchen, or master bedroom, etc). Get quotes for your upgrades. Concrete items for your budget.
  • Are you in a two-story and you’re starting to think of the future and a one-level home, or need that first floor full bedroom and bath? Are monthly bills fitting into your future budget?
  • Do you know the values of your neighborhood and current value of your home model (no, not your Zestimate)? We can help you here. Just let us know.
  • Your ‘target’ neighborhood – do you know what the going prices are going for, with what size of home you might need that will fit your budget? (including Mello Roos / taxes, utility group fees, etc)
  • Have you spoken to your lender or a listing agent to start putting some numbers and options to those “move-up” dreams? There’s no harm here, why not? Here’s a list of local lenders we have worked with before and enjoyed.

Life is not always perfect and not all of us have the means for change, or desire. Why not see what the options are for your improved life quality and daily life function in your home. In many cases, with this market, if you’re unhappy with the area you’re in, it might make sense to move-up into your “perfect home.”

For folks where expensive and costly remodels may NOT make sense and are NOT the solution. Example, a “move-up” buyer or maybe someone that might need to downsize in the near future. Get a second opinion on your choices for upgrades, particularly if you do have intention to sell soon. You might want to modify upgrades and remodels that are appealing to a larger group of folks, and perhaps not drain the life savings into a kitchen remodel if you might be moving (and hopefully find that perfect kitchen in another home).

Are you the Lexus amongst the lot of “Tow Maters?”

Are you at the top of the food chain with or without these upgrades already? Do your homework on your competition and be aware of pricing of that competition in the neighborhood and know how appraisals can affect buyers on your home. When it comes to selling time, you might find yourself frustrated that you didn’t consult  an appraiser before making costly upgrades … and talk to a REALTOR, so you know what the values are in your neighborhood, tailored to your home.

One thing not addressed in the video by Steve O, are the folks that ARE perfect candidates for a remodel or home upgrade. Particularly if you love the area you are located. I know, some folks don’t mind the money invested if it means for their quality of life, enjoyment and for those that qualify for those comments – do it! If you’re blessed to live in your “FOREVER” home and do NOT want to move – and you are the perfect candidate for a remodel. What are you waiting for? Start requesting some quotes from a few licensed contractors and create the space you deserve. (and don’t forget to check with your state board with contractor licensing and bonding for remodeling, if applicable)

This video was created by Ryan Lundquist – Lundquist Appraisal Company.  See a few of Ryan’s spectacular posts on “what NOT to do to your home” … 

We’re here for your needs and what’s right for you, BUT if you’re NOT in the place you want to be, and you do have the means to move-up – you SHOULD check out your options out there.

Don’t let “what-ifs” keep you from research, and give us a call today – let us know if we can help you put your dream home on the radar.  916-308-2446

“Should You Stay or Should You Go Now?” 🙂

Property Questions or Showings? 916-308-2446 – – REALTORs Steve + Heather Ostrom

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

See more informative posts at: – Roseville and Rocklin Real Estate + Lifestyle

Author: Heather Ostrom, Real Estate Marketing – REALTOR

Steve Ostrom, Primary Listing Agent + REALTOR – 916-308-2446 – – Coldwell Banker  – Roseville, CA – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661

Learn more about listing your home with us!

Agent Reboot + Inman Real Estate Connect

“Agent ReBoot” and “Inman News Real Estate Connect”
Agent Reboot can be described as,
an action packed day full of panels and speakers introducing you to the “best marketing and technology available.” (quote from:

Inman News Real Estate Connect description, “… a must-attend [real estate] conference that brings together the biggest names in the real estate and technology industries twice yearly in New York and San Francisco.” (quote from:

Heather O here, aka the Marketing Bossy Pants of our real estate team … I thought I might share my recent adventure to Agent Reboot and Inman News Real Estate Connect (it was the first time I had attended either event). I know blog posts are supposed to be brief, but I’m disregarding this rule as there’s too much to cover. I’ll try to put extra “jazz hands” to keep you entertained for the entire post. 🙂

Originally, I was only going to attend Agent Reboot, an awesome one-day event, but I did opt last minute to also attend Inman News Real Estate Connect (which would last through that Friday – three more days). Many are not familiar with what Inman is, nor are they familiar with the events of Inman News Real Estate Connect and Agent Rebootclick the event names to learn more about these this real estate conference. 

So during my debate of deciding, “should I go one day or do the entire conference” – my awesome husband and team member Steve O, was encouraging me to go to both events …

Steve: “Heather, you need to go, I can cover for you and the kids. I know you’ll enjoy it. Plus not sure if you heard, but you’re having a baby in December and it might put you out of commission for a bit. Have some fun and go.”

Me: * thinking * What type of work load will I return to and I will most certainly return to the inevitable “husband-in-charge household” consisting of kids living on fast-food and a destroyed household

Well I’m happy to write, I thought both events were fantastic and I’m glad I attended both events. I’m not saying I’ll do it every year, but this year, with expanding and managing our team, an office move (oy), full work load, two kids and pregnancy – I needed a shot in the arm. So a special thank you to Ambassador Laura Monroe for all of your help and guidance

What drove me to go?
I needed inspiration, motivation, and also to be around some new bodies that craving inspiration to improve themselves (and team) and looking to continue their on-going real estate education. Plus I find talking with other professionals, you will always take away something from just discussing the ups and downs of our full-time business.

My week was full of some great real estate “nerd nuggets” and some “so-so sessions” (some could stand for a female agent perspective IMO and/or actual producing agent feedback along with the vendors) … but always amazing general sessions. But my favorite parts were the after-hours and lunch-time dialogue that inevitably arose either about or on the topic of the speaker(s) or just folks we had encountered through out the day. Flashback to session (me): “Seriously buddy, in my session, the moderator asked for your QUESTION, not your life story or your wienietasmic success story, ya horn-tooter!” <– sorry vent done. 😉

So how does this translate to a positive for our clients?
For myself, it’s a matter of keeping my mind sharp, learning new tools, and perhaps learning more effective ways of running my business more effectively. From all the brainstorming within sessions and from listening to different speakers, I was inspired to try new items that are promising for both my real estate team and also for our clients. Steve and I (as are our entire team), are dedicated to continuing our education on all levels … whether involvement on real estate boards, attending classes, or going to conferences.

A HUGE Highlight at Agent Reboot —
I was Interviewed by an Amazing Panel for “Anatomy of an Agent”
So a few days before the big conference, I receive an email from Katie Lance (Director of Social Media, Inman News) asking me to be on the “Anatomy of an Agent” panel at Agent Reboot. ~ This was my very first Inman conference … was I ready for this? So I ask Katie what the interrogation would be covering and she stated (paraphrasing) that there would be an analysis of my website and online presence (including a few social media sites). ~ I could not pass up an opportunity to be critiqued from four different pros on how we were approaching our business online.

So to Katie, I quickly say … “Sure I’ll be your agent interview ‘guinea pig!'”

I think it went really well and you can see the ‘play-by-play’ here (3:06). Luckily the “pros” did not slice and dice me like agent sushi and I survived and came away with invaluable feedback. Katie, thank you sincerely for the opportunity and a huge thank you to all the panelists – not only helpful, but funny and sweet!

Thank you Linda Aaron for the beautiful picture!

Meet the Panelists for “Anatomy of an Agent
Moderator: Katie Lance, Social Media Director & Contributing Editor, InmanNext, Inman News, @katielance and @InmanNext
(L to R): Brad Andersohn, Zillow, @BradAndersohn • Stephen Pacinelli, Move, Inc., @stevepacinelli ( Tech Savvy Agent ) • Wendy Forsythe, Atlantic & Pacific Real Estate (CA), Inc., @BrandWendy • Glenn Sanford, eXp Realty LLC, @ceoglenn

So Fast-Forward to Post-Conference – What’s My Take Away?
I feel more motivated, I have learned new tools (both personally and technical), I have learned the art of the vendor ditch (not the cool / awesome booth ones, the predatory tech vampires that troll as “average conference-go’ers” at the event), I have made some new incredible friends, and I have listened to some of the best in the real estate industry (and some outside of our industry, that bring great “mind fruit” to the table). I look forward to my next real estate conference and hopefully another Inman Real Estate Connect.

Finally, one of my favorite take-aways was getting connected with a powerful group of ladies – opinionated, kind, funny, and hard-working – MY TYPE of ladies. I just want to say thank you to these ladies because they have put a fire back in me. For people questioning these conferences, if this was the only thing I took away from the event, it made it worth it. We exchanged ideas, expressed work concerns, and developed suggestions / resolution to items burning in our brains to help our industry work more smoothly. Thank you Linda, Anne, Chavi and Kim! I love you ladies.

Cheers till the next time we see each other again (post-hatch) and a big thank you for the memories, knowledge, laughs, and inspiration this week to all that I met and spoke with this week! And another thank you to the Inman staff for a wonderful event ~ Heather O

Property of and Photo by, Linda Aaron @Skynnard
Property of and Photo by, Linda Aaron @Skynnard

I’m a biased Coldwell Banker Girl (sorry for this nerdtasmic shout) – I love my Coldwell Banker crew
Top Row (the tallies): David Marine, Matt Case (W.+No. Michigan), Chavi M. Hohm (Seattle); Bottom Row: Linda Aaron (Seattle), Kim V. Colaprete (Seattle), Anne Jones (Tacoma) • Heather Ostrom, Marketing Bossy Pants • Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge

Mello-Roos or Property Taxes Search – Placer County

How do I View a Past Tax Bill in Placer County

We’re often asked about taxes for a property they’re interested in “what will the taxes be on this property?”

We can help you find the info and answers to your questions! And remember, when in doubt, ALWAYS verify ANY info directly with the Placer County Tax Collectors Office at 530-889-4120
You always want the direct source information on such important data.
A real estate agent should not and cannot relay this information for risk of information changing (and beyond their control)

This post is applicable to only Placer County in California

See the walkthrough of searching taxes for a Placer County property, below:


To Retrieve a Property’s Tax Bill – You’ll be visiting TWO different Websites

  • PART 1: Have the Property Address and Figure out the APN (The APN is Assessor Parcel Number)
  • PART 2: To Plug in the APN to get the Tax Bill


PART #1Retrieve Property APN

The APN is also often on the MLS / Metrolist Sheet Print-Outs that Your Real Estate Agent has Provided to You (four sets of three numbers: 000-123-123-123). If you don’t have this … here’s how to retrieve an APN for a property you’re interested in … BUT, if you don’t have the APN already for the Property Address …

Visit the Placer County APN Map Search Site: plug in the property address for your property, hit “search” (top right) … and then copy and paste the “APN” from the search results


PART #2 – Plug in APN: Placer County Tax Collector Site

Visit the Placer County Tax Collector Site and Plug in the APN #. I’ll do Screen Grabs to Walk You Through the Steps. This page does take a minute or two to load. They’re changing the look but the green part stays the same.

Start the Tax Bill Search by Clicking Here (for Placer County Only)


PART 2: Step 3 – Click “View Tax Bill” and PDF will be downloaded to your Computer

Voila, you’re done and you should have your Tax Bill PDF downloaded. If you’re still having problems, post a comment below or shoot me an email and we’ll help you out.


Property Assessment Information Search for Placer County

We cannot unfortunately, for liability reasons and the evolving change of property taxes, give you specific amounts – so let us know how we can help you, but questions regarding Mello-Roos or property taxes – those items must be verified by the buyer … but here, don’t fret – let us help you get the information you need!

Here’s a direct link to the Property Assessors’ Website of Placer County (for taxes and county specific inquiries to the property) …
Click HERE to Visit the Property Assessment Information Search Website on the Placer County Website

Assessor’s Office
2980 Richardson Dr, Auburn 95603-2640

Tax Assessment Appeals
Please click here to view the website

General Questions for Placer County Assessor’s Office:


Property Questions or Showings? 916-308-2446 – – REALTORs Steve + Heather Ostrom


Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

See more informative posts at: – Roseville and Rocklin Real Estate + Lifestyle

Author: Heather Ostrom, Real Estate Marketing – REALTOR

Steve Ostrom, Primary Listing Agent + REALTOR – 916-308-2446 – – Coldwell Banker  – Roseville, CA – CALBRE# 01344154 + 01899313 2200 Douglas Blvd B-200, Roseville, CA 95661

Learn more about listing your home with us!

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Equal Housing Opportunity

Being Prepared for the Appraiser

REALTOR Steve Ostrom talks with Appraiser Ryan Lundquist about the agent perspective and the appraiser perspective about an agent meeting the appraiser at the property, at the time of appraisal with paperwork on comparables (called comps) and giving insight to those comparables which may not be readily available on the internet or know because a home may not have been on the market that long.

Ryan also explains his thoughts, on the best approach, what to say and what not to do as an agent … it gives sellers a good perspective on what we do as listing agents, but also what we as agents, are dealing with when approaching an appraiser. Each appraiser is different and will have a different take on the listing agent meeting the appraiser to discuss comps …

Give us your thoughts? What do you think?

Thanks Ryan for your interview, as always! It’s always great to get another person’s perspective so we can stay fine tuned.

Ryan Lundquist
TEL: 916-595-3735
FAX: 916-361-1964
on Twitter
FB –

Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge Roseville

Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge • 4011 Woodcreek Oaks #110 Roseville 95747

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Being a Prepared First-Time Home Buyer

First-time home buyer series … there are many variables to consider when beginning your real estate searches, how or what means being prepared to start your home hunt. This is your information gathering phase and make sure your buying experience is a good one, by being prepared and asking yourself the right questions and communicating your precise needs, time frames and expectations.

And yes, this is a rare Heather O video. 🙂